We support positive interactions and outreach between youth and police officers. Through partnerships with MVPD and the dedication of the Youth Services Unit officers and staff, this amazing program is possible.

Building trust, positivity, bridging the gap, and keeping communities connected, together. As we work together to improve the lives of our youth, please help us by considering donating to PAL today.

Our MVPAL Youth Extravaganza event will happen on Friday, April 22nd from 4-7:30pm at Rengstorff Park.

Join us for this carnival-style event promoting health and mental wellness for youth of all ages. Prizes for participation, with a picnic meal provided for everyone. The event is free for local Mountain View youth and families.

Friday, April 22nd: 4-7:30pm
Ages: Kinder – High School
Cost: FREE
Sponsorships also available. Email Amber for any questions.

After more than a 2 year hiatus, the Mountain View PAL boxing program is BACK!

After more than a 2 year hiatus, the Mountain View PAL boxing program is BACK! With many months of hard work by MVPD Officer James Guevarra and the Youth Services Unit, there are now 40 students enrolled in the boxing program. PAL boxing will be held year round for students that go to school in Mountain View. Students will have the opportunity to train and learn along side passionate, experienced boxers several days a week.

“These kids and what they’ve gone through with mental health challenges over the last 2 years have made a huge comeback for themselves. Most of these kids have never played or been involved in sports and they are showing up and working hard” said Officer Guevarra. Our programs are especially important during this time.

If you would like to support the MV PAL boxing program and other programs like it, consider donating today!


As our community continues to respond to COVID-19 and shelter in place restrictions, Mountain View PAL remains committed to supporting our youth by building a bridge of trust and positive relationships throughout the community.

In 2020, our children learned new ways of engaging in schoolwork and activities online and at home. MVPD’s Youth Services Unit PAL team adapted to these challenges and created new and innovative ways to stay connected to our kids. Through frequent call check-ins and zoom, the PAL program have continued to foster positive relationships and trust between youth and MVPD officers.

Through partnerships and the generous donations from Mountain View Kiwanis club, officers handed out school backpacks, school supplies and Target gift cards to 70 Mountain View students at the start of the school year in August and September 2020. The gift cards will continue to be handed out to each child and family every few months throughout the rest of the 2020 – 2021 school year.

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to MV Kiwanis club for the donation of 70 backpacks, school supplies and $7,000 worth of Target gift cards. These donations have enabled our dedicated Youth Service officers and valued PAL program continue their positive work and outreach during this shelter in place.

“We would like to thank the Kiwanis Club for providing our students with the backpacks, binders, school supplies and gift cards. Our PAL kids and their families really appreciate all of the support they are receiving from their community. We were also very happy to see our kids smile and update us on how they were doing during our visits to their homes.” – MVPD Officer Thomas Low

PAL Programs

MVPAL introduces positive programs and outreach between Police and youth. Providing recreation, education and other activities is not necessarily a function of a police department. However, with juvenile violence, gangs and other negative influences in the community, MVPAL programs provide a formal framework for developing positive relationships and fosters trust between Police and youth.

The impact of these programs build trust, positivity, help to bridge the gap and keep community members connected, together. This mutual understanding and respect between Police and youth performs a very important facet – notably those of crime prevention, protection of property and the preservation of a peaceful community.


College Tour

Mentoring Program

Net Gain Tennis Camp


MVPAL’s mission is to foster mutual understanding between youth and police officers though a non-confrontational setting.

To accomplish this goal, MVPAL offers a wide variety of recreational and leadership opportunities to kids between the ages of 5 and 18.

Despite the existence of a School Resource Officer program and other outreach programming, many initial contacts between Police Officers and youth still occur in unfavorable circumstances.

MVPAL provides a formal framework for developing mutual understanding and fosters trust between Police and youth.

Mountain View PAL is dependent on grants and donations for its success. PAL is not funded through the county or city budgets. We operate with the support of Mountain View Police Officers and staff who donate their time to continue the program.

How you can help

Our goal is to collectively serve our communities through partnerships in order to make them a better, safer place to work and live. We need your help to make our efforts go even further!

Your valuable gift is helping us provide public safety needs, programs, training and equipment to our police and fire departments.


7th to 12th grade

Crittenden Middle School

PAL Boxing is held year round with officers from MVPD and volunteers teaching, coaching and instructing students at practices. The boxing program consists of approximately forty middle school students who are selected by the Police Department. The program focuses on teaching discipline, leadership and teamwork through activities and team drills.

For many, learning the sport of boxing helps with social skills and cooperating with others. Students enjoy making new friends and the program helps them have a sense of belonging.

Because of its popularity and additional resources needed, there is a waiting list for students. The boxing program runs throughout the school year and is held twice a week on school nights. MVPAL Boxing looks forward to continuing its success and competitions in local tournaments.

College Tour



MVPAL partners with the YMCA to take high school students on a college tour in Southern California. The youth are able to tour up to 6 college campuses and spend a day at Disneyland.

Mentoring Program

4-5th grade

Castro Elementary

The mentoring program is a community-based program designed to improve the lives of youth through mentoring, programming and activities. The program focuses on at-risk elementary school children with the primary goal of keeping kids off the streets and out of trouble by building positive relationships with public safety personnel and fostering mutual trust.

Twenty students are selected by school officials and receive one-hour mentoring sessions throughout the school year. The mentoring sessions include; arts and crafts, sports, music, games, fun activities, holiday parties, and educational presentations from Police Department personnel. The program also includes a variety of field trips and occasionally extended field trips to Six Flags and Disneyland.

Each year, the mentoring students grow and benefit from this unique program. Students find self-confidence, self esteem, and are able to create big goals for themselves. Studies show that youth with mentors have higher rates of high school graduation and are less likely to drop out of school.

Net Gain

5th – 8th grade

Rengstorff Park

Net Gain is a six-week introduction tennis camp featuring three 2-week sessions. MVPAL partners with MV recreation department and volunteers to provide the instruction. The tennis program focuses on providing coaching and active learning opportunities for students that otherwise would not be able to have an after school sports programs or coaching. Net Gain is held every October through November and can accommodate up to twenty middle school children for each 2-week session.


The sponsorship program goal is to pair youth with an existing program, sport or after school activity. The program targets at-risk youth with the primary goal of helping the students learn a new skill, sport or activity, and ultimately keep kids off the streets, away from criminal activity  and out of trouble.

MVPAL and MVPD officers partner with school staff to identify the students in need and match them with an existing program. MVPAL supports the cost of the activity or program and requires the student’s parents and family commitment.

Donate to PAL today! 

Let’s work together to improve the lives of our youth. Please help us continue to foster a relationship of trust with the kids in our community.

Donate now

Mountain View Police Activities League’s (MVPAL) mission is to foster mutual understanding between youth and police officers through a non-confrontational setting and, in this way, divert them away from gangs and criminal activity. To accomplish this goal, MVPAL offers a wide variety of recreational and leadership opportunities to kids between the ages of 5 and 18.

Providing recreation, education and other activities is not necessarily a function of a police department. However, with juvenile violence, gangs and other negative influences in the community, MVPAL introduces structured Police to youth outreach programs.

This mutual understanding and respect between Police and youth performs an especially important facet – notably those of crime prevention, protection of property and the preservation of a peaceful community.

MVPSF supports the PAL program and support positive interactions and outreach between youth and police officers. Through partnerships with MVPD and the dedication of MVPD’s Youth Services Unit, this amazing program is possible. As we work together to improve the lives of our youth, please help us by considering donating to PAL today. Building trust, positivity, bridging the gap, and keeping communities connected, together.